Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 108

Tonight was really tough. I did not want to go to the gym at all. I really just wanted to hang out and have dinner with Ellison. I even told Ellison to tell me to stay home and he said "nope." He can be so awesome sometimes. I just kept telling myself that I am a better wife and mother when I take care of myself and taking care of myself is working out. Body conditioning was so difficult. I seriously wanted to give up. I kept thinking the whole time that I absolutely hate working out this hard and I wished it were easier. However, the endorphins after always makes it worth it.

Tomorrow I am going running in the morning and I invited my very athletic neighbor to join me. She just confirmed, so I am locked in. I ‘m so glad I did that because I may have bailed on myself. I haven’t tracked today because I was so busy but I didn’t eat crazy. I will pick up tracking again tomorrow.

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