Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Love my Talula Bear

I’ve been in a pretty great place lately. I’m taking care of my body in a really nice way and that always makes me feel more confident. I agree with Jenna about the scale, it is a bit toxic because it doesn’t say shit about who you are, nor does it always reflect the work you’re doing on yourself. It’s a daily struggle but when I’m eating healthy, exercising, and living with what is, life is pretty great. I have to be kind to myself not only with food and exercise but also with kind words and patience. I have to be my own cheerleader, counselor, and parent sometimes. Well the truth is God is all of those things for me but my thoughts are my thoughts and it’s up to me to recognize them and respond in a really sweet way. So that’s how I’ve been living my life. I’ve been so blessed to have time to work on myself and enjoy being a mom and it feels amazing.

I had a dream last night that I was cast as the lead in Les Miserables. I was like Uma Therman in Smash. If you haven’t watched that show, Uma plays a movie star who can’t sing but is brought on to bring her star power to the show. She’s a terrible singer and she keeps adding her input to the script. It’s hilarious. In my dream, I couldn’t sing at all but I felt totally entitled to be there. It was actually really fun.

I absolutely love Carmen’s celebrations section and I am so grateful to Carmen for continuing to blog. So I think if nothing else, I need to list my celebrations everyday. Today I will list my celebrations for yesterday since it is still early.

Called some friends when I felt sad, I hardly do this
Took Adjei to his running club even though I was tired
Made a healthy dinner that was a bit time consuming
Loaded my dish washer before I went to sleep
Smiled a lot

Finish up laundry
Return books to the library
Do some writing
Be really nice to myself with my thoughts
Track what I eat
Go to a Yoga class
Try to learn the new blogger changes