Friday, December 31, 2010

Last DAY of 2010!

I’m feeling really good right now.  I’m alone in my room, Michael Jackson is playing on my Pandora and I feel like the World is so available to me.  I feel very fortunate that I can still set goals and believe I can accomplish them.   I have wanted to do this blog for a long time but hesitated because I feared I would not follow through and people would figure out I was more talk than action.  I am not that person.  I am someone who is committed and reliable but more so to others than to myself.  This year is going to be different.  It is because I am choosing it to be.  I am going to blog on daily basis my journey towards the Theresa I know I can be.   So my punch list may change but these are the goals for 2011:

  • Really learn and practice the Weight Watchers program and lose 75 pounds.
  • Make exercise and dance a regular part of my life.
  • Build my career as an actress and entrepreneur. 

So my goals for tomorrow are to go to a Zumba class and organize my cabinets and fridge for the new lifestyle. 

My final thought is a toast.  I toast to everyone who has not given up.  In whatever way you are still trucking away…I Toast to you!

Quote of the Day:

"If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.” 

-Nora Roberts