Sunday, July 12, 2015

Behind the Starting Line

I’m sitting in front of my computer and I really want to go to sleep.  This is usually how I feel when I want to do something good for myself.  I’m writing this blog as a first step towards many steps towards the person I know I am.  I can get there but it’s so un-motivating when you’re standing behind the first step.  I feel scared. I feel scattered brain.  I hear and see all the nasty voices that say, “Theresa you need to lose weight first.” That’s always been my first Saboteur.  “You can’t do shit Theresa unless you’re thinner.”  Big fat lie but right now that’s a loud one.  The second voice is, “Theresa you’re not that great of a writer and you don’t even follow your own advice, why is anyone going to listen to you?” LIYA.  Hmmm, let’s see, anymore?  Oh, “you have no time Theresa,  NO Time”!  

I’m writing this blog to say it out loud.  I’m on a journey that I’m committed to.  I’m committed to becoming a coach, living a healthy lifestyle, and exercising.  More importantly I’m committed to loving myself as much as I love my boys.  My coach today said, “you would do anything for you kids, could you love yourself, that much?”   That’s a lot of love but I’m up for the challenge.
