Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 211

It’s been a busy weekend. I went on that bike ride with my boys today and it was really nice. Usually when Ellison takes Adjei on a bike ride I go running. For some reason I have it in my head that I’m not exercising unless it’s painful. We had a great time and Adjei was so excited that I was with them. I think a lot of people think exercise has to be painful but it doesn’t. As long as you get out of the house and move, that’s benefiting your body.

As far as food, I haven’t tracked this weekend but I don’t think I’ve done too badly. I’m going to start tracking again tomorrow. I’m taking my boo bear with me to get my Frida’s waxed. I remember when I worked in midtown I was always jealous of the mothers walking around the city with their babies. I use to long to be with my son and tomorrow I will push my binky down 5th Avenue. I hope he behaves. My city baby doesn’t like the subway.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day 210

Big big sigh! I am worn out. Today was a very good day. It started off really interesting. I woke up at 6:00 a.m. and I started my pre-race ritual—Water, food, stretch, and shower. I was not rushed, Ellison was taking care of Adjei, and everything was great. I left a good hour and a half before the race started, so I had plenty of time. Mind you, I was just going to another part of Brooklyn for this race. I only had to take one train. Well, I didn’t check the scheduled train work and there weren’t any signs at my station indicating there was going to be an issue. To make a long story short, I end up taking three trains to get to the race, thus making me 10 minutes late. It took me 1 hour and 40 minutes to get to another part of Brooklyn! So I get to the park and I’m sprinting trying to find the starting line and there just isn’t much guidance. I was told to go right so I’m running right and then all of a sudden I read 1 ½ mile. I knew that was wrong for me because I hadn’t even started. So I turn around and guys on bikes are screaming “wrong way!” I couldn’t find any of the racers and I was already like 40 minutes into the race. Prospect Park is huge. So I’m running around like a mad woman and I end up in a remote construction area where there are strange men walking around. I started to get really upset because at this point I really just wanted to finish the race. I run into these ladies and they’re like “How was the race?!” And I’m like, “I’m lost, I need to know where the finish line is.” They say, “Well, we’re pretty sure it’s not here.” NO REALLY?! So they point me to the direction of 15th street and I finally found the finish line. I was the very last person to cross the finish line. In fact, they took down the “Finish” blow up right after I crossed. I don’t even know how much I ran but it feels like it was more than three miles. I was running off and on for more than an hour. I am in so much pain. I was so close to leaving in tears and just saying fuck it but I was determined to at least finish. I’m proud that I kept going even though everything was going wrong. Good lord, I am so pooped.

Tomorrow I will go on a bike ride with the family and relax. I also need to get ready for my Miami trip. Oh and I lost two pounds this week. Woo Hoo!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 209

So I am glad this week is over. I feel bothered by my eating this week but I’m excited to start new. Tomorrow I’m running another 5k and I know this is just what I need to jump start my focus. I’m going to cheat and go to WW after, so hopefully I will have a small loss that will give me some mental momentum. However, if I have another gain, or I stay the same, I will not let it discourage me. This is probably the worst I’ve been in a long time. I don’t like this feeling. There is obviously something deeper and I know what it is but I need to have faith and stay grateful.

Tomorrow I will try as hard as I can to run the race in less than 30 minutes. I will also track what I eat and be positive.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 208

So this is just embarrassing but I am negative 35 points for the week. The one thing I’m proud of is that I’ve been tracking everything. It hurts to track when you overeat because writing it down, and seeing the long stupid list, is just annoying. There are a few things I did right today. I wanted pizza but instead I came home and had pasta. It wasn’t much better but at least I didn’t eat out. I also wanted a candy bar but instead I bought a banana. I will keep tracking and trying until I get my fire back. Tomorrow I absolutely can’t eat junky because I have a race on Saturday. I will probably go over my points but it will be with healthy carbs. I need to give up diet coke. Every time I start drinking diet coke, I eat too much.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 207

I feel like a pig tonight. I’m sorry I said I wasn’t going to say mean things about myself but I can’t help it. I have an uncontrollable sweet tooth and I just can’t control my cravings. To make matters worse, Ellison had to work a little late so I missed body conditioning. I could’ve gone for a run but instead I stuffed my face. I wish sometimes I wasn’t a slave to my routine. I need to get some new motivation because I don’t want to stay at the weight I’m at.

I don’t want to say that I’m going running tomorrow because I already don’t want to go. How about that I will commit to a walk. If I just get out of the house in the morning, then maybe I will be inspired to do more. Tomorrow I will also plan my meals better.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 206

You know I haven’t been doing great with my eating but I have been consistent with my exercise. I went grocery shopping today so I feel better prepared for the rest of the week. I know I will get my drive back because this is just how life works. You have your weeks and months where you are extremely motivated and consistent and then you have the times when it’s just slow moving. The goal is to never lose focus during the slow times. This behavior happens in all aspects of life. So right now I will continue to keep trying until I get my second wind and then I will be on fire again. Ms B was extremely late in her arrival and I thought she was trying to ruin my Miami trip. I’ve decided to be extra nice to her no matter how terrible she is. I love Miss B; she is quite the lady and always welcome.

Tomorrow Adjei and I have a zoo date with the best neighbors in the world; one of them happens to be Adjei’s best buddy. I also have body conditioning in the evening so it will be a busy day. I will really try to plan ahead so I don’t go over my points.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 205

So today was a huge success because I DID NOT WANT TO GO TO BODY CONDITIONING. I even snacked on junk one hour before I had to leave. When I plan on working out, I usually don’t eat so close to a workout, especially not cheese with a tortilla. So I actually had it in my head early that I was going to bail on myself. I was so slow moving and I asked Ellison to please convince me to go. I mean, I was even out the door and I was seconds from walking back home. I finally had to scold myself and say, “Theresa, just effin do it and don’t half ass either!” Sometimes there is absolutely no motivation and no inspiration to take care of yourself, and that’s when you just have to suck it up and do it. So I did and I did it 100%! Oh Oh! I feel so powerful when I do something I didn’t want to do. It makes me stronger and more motivated. Soooooo shaky shaky shaky and shimmy shimmy shimmy!

My eating today was again plentiful but I will do better tomorrow. I haven’t been grocery shopping so my fridge is kind of empty. I need my staples to be successful or I eat a lot. I will eat a lot of stupid stuff too. Tomorrow I will grocery shop and prepare meals for the rest of the week. I also need to go running because I have my race on Saturday.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 204

Oh my god, seriously, Curb Your Enthusiasm is Hilarious!!! I just had to put that out there. Today was a great day. I went shopping and I had so much fun. I didn’t have one depressing moment and it feels so good to have options. Tomorrow I will stay within my points and I will also go to body conditioning.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day 203

I am really inspired to let you all in on my weight watchers meeting today. I gained a pound this week and I was really bummed. I haven’t lost any weight in over a month and this week I gained .8. It’s such a small number considering I’ve lost 52 pounds, but my self-hating brain is focusing on the .8. I mentioned that I was really frustrated with myself, not the program, because I know the program works but I wasn’t living out the plan. I was right back to my old habits of kind of tracking, rewarding myself with food, comforting myself with food, and doing the start again tomorrow routine. Our meeting ironically was about attitude and how huge that was with reaching our goals. My leader said something to me that just made me feel great. She said, “maybe right now you just need to tread in this water, maybe you just need to be there until you are ready to move forward.” This was pretty stinkin awesome because she’s exactly right. Every single moment, even the ones when we feel like we’re doing nothing, serve a purpose. Our attitude in times of struggle is what’s going to drive us forward or drive us backward. I also started to think about how useless negative self-talk was. It’s totally useless. It serves no purpose. So next time you want to say something mean about yourself, tell yourself that it is not helpful, nor is it true.

So today I went to Zumba and I danced like a crazy woman. I danced like an old lady who was given a second chance at life, and it was great. In fact, this 60+ and me started to do some Reggae moves together. I just decided that I was going to have a lot of fun. I love it when I can unleash the beast. I am going to focus on gratitude, gratitude, and gratitude. Because God knows I am so very blessed. I send positive loving thoughts to the mothers and fathers in Somalia trying to feed their babies.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 202

Whew! It is hot! I started my morning with a brisk walk with some jogging but it was so damn hot I was sweating like I was running a race. I hope the weather isn’t this hot next Saturday, because there is no way I’ll be able to run the entire race. My eating today was plentiful but healthy. I’m excited for WW tomorrow because I get my new slate and hopefully I didn’t gain. Tomorrow I will go to Zumba and I will track what I eat.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 201

Ugh am I ever going to stop over eating?! I’m so tired of this. I really want to call myself a bunch of mean names but I won’t. I’m even trying not to think them because it’s not good and I wouldn’t say these things to anyone I love. I love me so I have to be patient with myself and just chill. I ate 51 points today and I didn’t exercise. I’m so annoyed with myself because when I went for seconds, I looked at it, and I told myself “You’re not hungry, put it back.” I didn’t put it back and now I’m stuffed and I feel angry. I am so short fused today. Tomorrow I am going to spinning and I will eat within my points. I need to change my bad attitude. I need to pray for the children in Somalia and get out of my self-loathing head.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 200

I’ve been a busy bee! I just got home from a wonderful night with some old friends. We were walking around the meatpacking district looking for a bar and it was very interesting. We came upon a bar called Hogs and Heifers that we were considering. At first we thought it was a bunch of people dressing up for fun because it was like a Harley/cowboy bar; but as we got closer, we realized it was like a hardcore biker bar straight out of Pee Wee’s Big Adventure. Yes, there are biker bars in NYC! So we opted for a low-key bar in the West Village. I don’t have nights like this often so it feels great to be out late in the city.

I went to body conditioning today and I worked hard. I was dripping sweat onto the floor and that’s always a good sign. I tried to run after but I only got in a half mile. I was pooped. This is random but I love Ethan Hawk. I saw him a couple of weeks ago. He was on a field trip with his kid in Union Square. He’s pretty darn cute in person. My eating was good today considering I’m PMS’ing. I didn’t drink a lot and I turned down fries. Not too shabby!!

Tomorrow I will eat within my points and I will play more than I did today with Adjei. We’re going to do a lot of running because my boo bear loves it when I chase him.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 199

Ugh it’s almost that time again. Ms. B, you’re such a cruel woman. I try to make peace with her but she’s impossible. I am so tired and cranky today. I’ve eaten too much and I don’t want to go running. I’m not going running either. It’s too hot and I’m tired. I’m pissy. Tomorrow is body conditioning and I can always count on that class giving me a great workout. I’m going to eat really healthy tomorrow because I want a good workout. Maybe I’ll get motivated and go for a run as the sun goes down. We’ll see.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 198

I'm really rocking it out. That boot camp on Saturday set the stage for my week. Yesterday was a great eating day and I went for a small run. I realized that I hate running by myself. I actually hate doing any exercise by myself. I love being with people. I work harder. When I was at boot camp, I was doing real push ups. I never do real push ups. I always modify by doing push ups with my knees down. So I started to research running groups last night but there were none close by, so I’m thinking of starting my own. Today was a fantastic day. I was so busy and I worked my tail feather off at body conditioning. I mean I seriously kicked some ass. It all boils down to what I eat during the day. Here is what I ate today:

Breakfast—2 Egg Whites, fat free cheese slice, English muffin, coffee with 1% & Spenda.
Snack- Apple with 1 triangle of laughing cow low fat Swiss cheese.
Lunch – Whole grain wrap with cucumber, 1.5 oz grilled chicken, roasted red peppers, 2 tbsp plain hummus, and carrots.
After workout snack – protein shake
Dinner-Turkey meatloaf on an English muffin.

I haven’t tracked the points but I’m guessing it’s around 33 points. Tomorrow I will go running and I will track what I eat. Yay me!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 196

Oh lord mercy I am so tired. I did a boot camp workout with trainer Bonnie Marsh in Central Park today. She has this sweet voice but she's a beast and I think she was trying to kill us. It was such an intense workout and I am so proud of myself for doing it. I was really close to canceling but I knew it was because I didn't want work hard and that's a lame excuse. My friend Danny was the one who invited me and we had such an amazing day working out and then talking after for a few hours. It was great to spend time with a dear friend and it not revolve around food.

I had an excellent eating day and I tracked everything. I’m still hungry but I’m not going to eat. I went over my daily allowance by 8 points so I don’t need more food. Guess what I discovered today? Laughing Cow Triangles! They are the yummiest things ever and they’re only one point. I got the low calorie Swiss spread and they're amazing.

Tomorrow I'm excited to go running. I need to train for the 5k at the end of the month, so I want to run at least two miles. I will also not go over my points too much and I will track everything.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 195

Boo me. I didn’t work out today and I haven’t tracked. I’m just looking forward to my WW meeting tomorrow so I can get a fresh start. I haven’t lost any weight in almost a month and I don’t like that. I know I can do better. Tomorrow I am either going with my friend to a boot camp class or Zumba. I will also start tracking again.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 194

I finally went running! I ran 1½ miles but I was so proud that I went. I will keep building on that until I get to three miles, just in time for the 5k at the end of the month. I’m glad I’m exercising but I feel really uncertain about my eating. I haven’t tracked anything since Sunday. I’m turning a blind eye and that’s not good. I didn’t eat unhealthy today but I don’t trust how much because I haven’t tracked. Tomorrow I’m going to spin and I’m nervous. I have a fear of spinning because it kicks my ass every freakin time. The instructor is brutal. My body-conditioning instructor recommended him and she’s the devil.

My fridge is really bare because I’m trying to eat all my food. I feel like I’m constantly grocery shopping even though we already have food. We need to start eating what we have; we don’t always have to buy more food to satisfy a craving. I made all my veggies and a cabbage and carrot soup but E was not having it. I was proud of my E-Berg though because he made himself eggs and he didn’t complain at all. My hubby accuses me of trying to feed him rabbit food.

Tomorrow I will track what I eat. I will also go to spinning and I will not secretly decrease my resistance when it gets really hard.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 193

Body Conditioning tonight felt like it was my first exercise class ever. It was so hard. I ate very poorly and too much today and I know that’s why I had such a hard time. I really need to go back to eating mostly veggies, chicken, and whole grains. My workouts feel so much more effective when I’m not eating junk. I’m ready to step up my game with eating and exercise. I’ve given myself a deadline for September to start working again. Adjei is a smart kiddo and he needs to be in school. So I have to get my headshots by September. I feel really great about the future. I can’t believe how fast this year is flying. Have I mentioned how much I love Adele?

I want to leave you guys with a note Dolly Parton put in one of Adjei’s new books. Dolly has a charity that provides books to children every month for free up to the age of 5. It’s incredible! It isn’t offered in every city; I’ve already checked Albuquerque. The website is Here it goes:

Try to be the first one up the mountain,
The highest flying dreamer in the sky.
Try your best to be an inspiration
For others that are still afraid and shy.
Try to make the most of every moment
If you fail, get up and try again.
Try each day a little harder
If you never try, you never win.

-Dolly Parton

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 192

So I’ve been in a exercising and food rut. I haven’t been consistent with my workouts and I’ve been eating a lot of sugar. I signed up for a 5k at the end of the month, so I need to start running to get prepared. I also need to eat less sugar and be more consistent with tracking. I need to start mapping out my time better. I have time during the day but I’m obviously not utilizing it because I feel so behind on things. It’s my pre-bitchface week so I need to be very careful with not eating like a pig and having emotional freak out sessions.

Tomorrow I will go to body conditioning and run at least a mile. E-Berg is putting Ms. Jackson on my Nano.:) I will also NOT overeat and I will track everything I put into my mouth.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 192

Tootsie is leaving tomorrow and I’m sad because we’ve had such a great time. My mom makes me laugh harder than anyone. She is the funniest woman I know. I love her so much. I skipped body conditioning tonight. I was dressed to go but then I changed my mind. I couldn't leave knowing Tootsie was leaving tomorrow. Saying goodbye to my mom makes me wish I were wealthy. I wish I could afford to buy her or rent her a small apartment here so she could stay for a few months at a time. Or I wish I could buy a second home in NM and stay there for a month every year. My little tootsie bear.

On a I feel gross note. I've had a crap three weeks with eating and exercise. Tonight Ellison made homemade, triple chocolate, chocolate chip ice cream. The damn stuff has two cups of heavy cream and seven egg yolks. I had a full cup of it. It was absolutely amazing. Ellison kept reminding me that there were seven yolks in it! I could kill him! Why does my husband want to torture me?! I need to get back on track. I want to start losing weight again. I want to get going on my acting. I want to start earning more money.

Tomorrow I have to wake up at 5:00 a.m. to take Tootsie to the airport. My goal is to put my running clothes on so I can go running when I get back. My clothes are already out, so I'm prepared. I will also start back with my good eating habits.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 191

Ugh! it’s been a terrible eating day. My mom insisted on going to Dylan’s Candy Store and I just couldn’t handle that place. I was fine until we were leaving and then I just couldn’t take it. I had to get a small bag of chocolate and a chocolate dipped rice crispy treat. I had a 67-point day today. I am really focusing on tracking because if I don’t, I can easily let the week go. I am determined to have a loss this week. I used to think that winter was a hard season to lose weight but summer is tough. Tomorrow is body conditioning and it’s usually a really intense class on Monday nights. I am also determined not to go over my points. This is off the subject but my mom is damn hilarious. She has me crying from laughing so hard.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day 190

I’m writing my post early because I have a date planned with my honey. We’re going to the movies and then we’re going to walk around the city. People watching and walking in the city are my favorite things to do. Ellison asked where I wanted to go for dinner and I said that I just wanted to get a slice of pizza and sit on a bench or steps in Union Square. It’s a gorgeous day and I know it’s going to be an even more gorgeous evening. I’ve done a ton of walking today already with Tootsie. I was really mindful with my eating but I haven’t tracked. I will do that now. I went to Weight Watchers and after two weeks of doing not so great with my eating, my weight stayed exactly the same. I was actually really happy about that.

Tomorrow I will do a lot of walking and I will be mindful and eat within my points.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 189

I ate way too much tonight. I did pretty well during the day but then my mom made her seafood soup. I had already had dinner by the time the soup was done and I just couldn’t control myself. Tomorrow is my weight watchers meeting and I’m looking forward to it because I need to start tracking again. I also need a new slate. I’ve been craving chocolate, candy, and cake. This is not good.

Tomorrow I’ve already told my tootsie that we’re going to the track in the morning. I’m also taking her to my WW meeting. We will be shopping and doing a lot of walking. Since I get a brand new start tomorrow I am going to track and eat within my points. I don’t have to celebrate with food; I’m not on vacation.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 188

I didn’t go running and I didn’t track today, but I will do better tomorrow. I’ve been having a lot really great conversations with friends and I feel like God is telling me to embrace every moment, good and bad. Every experience we have, even the bad ones, we can reflect and see the purpose in it. Or we can at least look back and say we’ve learned something. When Ellison was laid off a few years ago, it was so hard. I had just had a baby and I had to go back to work immediately because our income now depended on me. There were times I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown and I remember feeling like it was going to be forever. Ellison was out of work for two years. It was especially difficult because I couldn’t feel sorry for myself (Although, I did..A Lot) because I had a new son and my hubby’s heart was breaking after every job rejection he got. I share this because there was so much good that came out of that. My hubby stayed home with our son and created a bond that he normally wouldn’t have experienced. I felt compelled to get in shape because I was so miserable; I wanted to change what I knew I could.

Tonight I picked up my mom from the airport and I was remembering when I first came to NY. I look back at some of the things I’ve done and it just tickles me. That day felt so lonely and so scary but I got through it and now I call NYC home. I just feel incredibly grateful and I will cherish today with all my heart. Life is so beautiful and sometimes I live too much in what I want it to be but later reflect fondly on what it is/was. I need to live in the moment because it feels so great when I get to this place.

Tomorrow I will be mindful and I may go to a body conditioning class. This weekend is all about Tootsie, so everything revolves around what she wants to do.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 187

So I just want to say that 70% of the time, I am battling with my brain as to why I should NOT go to the gym. Today the reasons were: I’m tired, my body needs a break, my mom is coming tomorrow, I want to hang out with Ellison, I want to eat spaghetti, I’m hungry…. blah blah blah. Seriously, I will go back and forth trying to give myself an out without guilt. So when I actually go, when I don’t want to go, I am super proud of myself. I worked out hard too. I also finally tracked today and I did really well. I only went over by one point. My tootsie is coming tomorrow and it feels like Christmas Eve today. I can’t wait to see my little muffin. I stocked my fridge and I’m going to spoil her with really good healthy cooking. I love my mumsie so so much. I especially love it when she comes to NYC because she’s ALL MINE! I’m so happy, so very very happy!!

Tomorrow I AM GOING RUNNING! I am not going to bed until I load at least five new songs on my nano for motivation. I will also eat really healthy during the day because I know tootsie is going to want some NY pizza.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day 186

Wow, you take me out of my routine and I just let all my healthy eating principals go. Today probably wasn’t as bad as I think it was but when I don’t track, it always feels like I ate like a monster. On a positive note, I know that I will bounce back quicker than I used to. I feel confident that it takes one good hard workout to get me back on track. Sometimes I loathe the workout during but I can always count on it giving me motivation and clarity. Tomorrow is body conditioning and this woman is brutal. Lately, she’s been pushing us harder than she ever has. There are a few amazing girls in there that motivate me because they are so badass with their workouts. I secretly compete with them in my own head. They usually win but I am a very close second.

So I need to get out of the mindset that this week is a throwaway weight watchers week. I can still rebound with my eating. I need my food staples: Veggies, fruit, fat free cheese, chicken, ground turkey, eggs, english muffins, salsa, fat free sour cream, and tortillas. If my fridge is stocked with ready to eat veggies and fruit, I am unstoppable. Okay, so that’s the goal tomorrow. I need to restock the fridge and grill a butt load of veggies. Here is a yummy recipe for everyone. Grill with Pam all these yummy veggies: eggplant, peppers, onions, zucchini, spinach, and tomatoes. Throw a ton of these veggies in a wrap with a half a cup of cooked quinoa, 2 tablespoons of fat free sour cream, and salsa. It feels like you’re eating a big fatty burrito. It’s delicious!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 185

"Good Bless America... Land that I love... Stand Beside Her and Guide Her... From the Mountains!..." I hope I got the lyrics right because I'm really enjoying singing to my amazing country. On to the soggy part of today, it was a bad eating day. I did a lot of snacking on the road and I came home and had cookies and toast for dinner. I’m going to start new tomorrow with my egg whites and coffee for breakfast. I will hopefully get some exercise in too. I also didn’t track today but I will do my best to back track. Not much to say except that I will try again tomorrow. I want to lose another 20 pounds in the third quarter of the year. I need to get to work!

Tomorrow I will track what I eat and I will not snack on junk!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day 184

Sleepy sleepy Theresa! I did super great today. This morning Ellison, Adjei, and I went to Mount Vernon to walk/jog/and scoot the trails. It was so beautiful. I didn’t even mind the reckless bikers or humidity. It was so nice and my little binky gave me a workout. He was a mad man on that scooter and I had to run right beside him to keep him safe. It felt so good that I didn’t get tired or run out of breath. I also did really well with my eating, considering we had a big barbeque today. My honey bought me some mixed greens, so instead of potatoes and macaroni and cheese, I had salad. My brother in law made this amazing pico de gallo that I added to my salad. I told him my tootsie would be so proud. I don’t eat raw unions but his pico was so good, I ate the damn raw red onion. He adds honey to it and it’s fantastic. Tomorrow I really want to run that trail again but we’ll see. We’re heading back to NY so I will pack my fruit and healthy lunch for the road.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 183

Well I’m in the fine state of Virginia and I’m having a wonderful time. Adjei is in love with his Sarbeng family and he is having a blast. I’m doing pretty darn great for being around my amazing mother in law’s cooking. My mother in law bakes chicken and it tastes like it was prepared at a top-notch restaurant. It’s just delicious! She makes this rice dish called Jollof that I can seriously eat it until I can’t breath. She knows it’s my favorite so she makes it every time we come down. I had some but I probably ate half of what I normally do. I’m not going to lie, I ate a lot tonight but I’m going to attempt to track it all. I just can’t really behave that well when I’m on vacation, even when it’s a mini one. Tomorrow we are going to Mount Vernon, home of George Washington, so I can do some running and Adjei can ride his scooter. If I eat a ton, I will feel better if I do some exercise. I’m going to eat what I want tomorrow but I will measure it and track on paper so I know exactly how much I’m eating.

I almost forgot to do some bragging about today. I did eat really well on the road. I only snacked on fruit and I prepared a healthy lunch for the whole family so we didn’t eat junk at the rest stops. So yay for me.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Day 182

Today I went to spinning and it was really intense. I felt great afterward. The bike said I only burned 233 calories and I couldn’t believe it. It felt like I burned 500. I was thinking about how hard I workout and I shouldn’t waste it by snacking on junk or over eating. I did well with my eating today. I almost ruined it about five minutes ago. I buttered up a large slice of italian bread and I took one bite but then I threw it away. I get the munchies when I see someone eating tantalizing food. I wish my E Berg were on the same page as me with food and exercise. Sometimes I blame him for when I eat junk but I make my own choices. I also can’t hold someone else responsible for keeping me on track with my goals. I love my Berg.

Tomorrow I will be traveling so I will eat healthy and only snack on fruit. I will also track what I eat even though it will be difficult.